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  • Writer's pictureOle Bent Rye

Coaching is a unique and powerful leadership development tool!

Updated: May 21, 2022

Coaching is unique and powerful because it’s 100% client driven. Coaching supports leaders as they develop their own styles and approaches. Coaches help and guide their clients to arrive at their own decisions and become more self-reliant and effective, with a high level of confidence. And most important - become a trusted leader!

A coach is also unique because he/she is a highly experienced partner that a senior leader can use as a confidential sounding board for new ideas, strategies or anything else that is important to the client. The coach will help drive consistency, focus and clarity so the client can arrive at the most favorable decisions and actions.

Top athletes know the value of an excellent coach—and it's no different in business. An experienced coach can be one of your most valuable assets.

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