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  • Writer's pictureOle Bent Rye

How to have "Fun" when Working Hybrid!

Fun is a very underrated element of corporate success. In the early Cisco days, there was a clear focus from our CEO and on down that “having fun” was a big part of our company’s culture. Cisco arranged great parties, invited employees to holiday trips and the company had a very “upbeat” and engaging culture. A fantastic place to work that resulted in unprecedent success.

But how do you have “fun” in a hybrid workplace? You will have to be a bit creative. One thing I would highly recommend is to bring the entire team together in-person occasionally and a key activity should be to go out to dinner together, go to a park, play some games, or think of some other fun things to do. And importantly, make sure the fun activity is in a form that everyone can enjoy. Maybe a morning jog on the beach if close to the ocean?

Online you may have to get “out of your comfort zone” and have the entire team join in social activities such as morning coffee, a weekly lunch, or a glass of wine after work on Friday. This might feel a bit awkward at first but after you have done it a few times it will start to feel natural and be fun. If you have a global team, it could be morning coffee in Singapore or Bangkok, lunch in Europe and after work glass of wine in California.

After a while it will become an integral part of your company's culture. This is how we do it!

It could also be as simple as calling up an employee after a great week and offer a small bonus for a dinner for two. Small well thought out gestures will have a big positive impact on moral and engagement. Part of having hybrid fun is also having relaxed 1-on-1 video chats with team members. Explore and find out what works for you and your team. Be creative and “get of your comfort zone” sometimes. It may feel "strange" the first time but will pay big dividends for you, the employee, and the company.

Richard Branson also thinks "humor and fun" should be part of hiring considerations:

Look for someone with a sense of humor, who is fun, friendly and caring, because that is a person who likely understands teamwork and will help others.”

Get the basics right and many things will fall into place easier!

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