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  • Writer's pictureOle Bent Rye

Infuse your entire company with great leadership!

Updated: May 21, 2022

Leadership is a choice: leadership is hard, and it requires a lot of practice. It's like staying in shape — it requires consistent and ongoing training. Leadership is a skill set that must be continuously developed and nourished. It's an awesome responsibility to have people in your care!

Many have authority but are not leaders. A true leader is someone you would follow into "battle" — because you strongly believe in the purpose and because you trust that your leader really cares for the "troops," has unbreakable integrity, courage, and good judgment, and exhibits great intuition, empathy, and respect.

A great leader will intently listen to and observe employees, not only in formal meetings, but even more importantly, by engaging in frequent informal and casual conversation. Wherever a great leader goes, he/she will pull out a chair and have informal conversations with employees. Try it. You will be amazed at the things you'll learn... that are not in any status report.

According to Jack Welch's "Six Ways to Tell if You Work for a Really Great Company," the most important criterion is, "Great companies demonstrate a real commitment to continuous learning. No lip service." This is every bit as true for the leader as it is for the team.

Our seminar, OBR's Steps to Great Leadership, covers the 12 steps that a leader must take to become truly great.

We’ll share small, easy-to-implement actions that leaders throughout your company can take every day, which will have an immediate positive impact on performance, boost motivation, and create very desirable outcomes.

This seminar is for both experienced executives and next-generation leaders!

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