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  • Writer's pictureOle Bent Rye

Ramp Up Your Business with Hybrid Teams

Updated: May 21, 2022

Are you taking advantage of the power of HyTeams (Hybrid Teams)? I spent 18 years at Cisco building and running HyTeams worldwide, and the benefits to our business were immense— improved ability to hire top talent, increased productivity, and a massive jump in employee satisfaction.

No company can afford to ignore HyTeams. But to be successful, you must have leaders with the skill sets to lead in the hybrid environment. Find out what it takes in our top-rated seminar, “Ramp Up Your Business with Hybrid Teams.”

Seminar agenda

Ramp Up Your Business with Hybrid Teams

  1. What is a Hybrid Team and why it's great for business

  2. Adapt leadership styles and processes to Hybrid Teams and build trust

  3. The unique Work-From-Home challenges and solutions

  4. Motivation and behavior in an environment with less in-person contacts

  5. The intangible concerns about Hybrid Teams and how to overcome them

Group discussion — Unleash the Power of Hybrid Teams

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