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  • Writer's pictureOle Bent Rye

Staying "agile" while looking down at Robertson Quay

Updated: May 21, 2022

It's been a rough spring for all of us this year. I've been more or less locked-up in my apartment at Robertson Quay in Singapore for 23 hours a day for the past couple of months. It certainly has been surreal. At the same time, I have been moving on to new opportunities which obviously requires an "agile" mind. This combined with a bit of a health scare starting back in January, the spring of 2020 sure has been different. However, I have somehow managed to stay reasonable sane, healthy and agile.

The key word for me is "agile" which means to be able to "move quickly and easily." How do we stay "agile" in body and mind during what is a very restricted environment? Agility is a requirement for being able to move forward and create new "things." If we lose that we get stiff and also lose our creativity.

For myself, I realised that I had to spend some time being creative and do "art projects" not related to my work to stay sane. That loosened up the stiffness that otherwise was creeping into my body and mind. It is also very important to get out and move around a bit.

The key lesson learned for me to stay sane and agile in these corona times: take time to do art projects and get some fresh air – a winning combination.

Keep exploring!

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Sep 24, 2020

Keep stretching!

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