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Based on My Own Personal Experiences, Having Lived and Worked extensively in Europe, the US, and Asia.

Topics: 8-Critical Cultural Differences in Business to Recognize and Adapt to.

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Current Hybrid Work “Hype” — What's Real and What's Not


Hybrid Mindset and Company Culture — Changes Pre- and Post Pandemic


Functions and Personalities — How to Find the Balance


How to Handle "the difficult" colleagues


Effective Hybrid Execution Model

— Q/A session & Discussions




What are the characteristics to look out for when silos are forming


What actions are needed when silos are apparent, and cooperation is vanishing


How to approach the needed "challenging" conversations


What information and actions are needed to find and implement solutions


How to ensure ongoing improvements and long-term success

— Q/A session & Discussions

Additional Topics to Create Your Own Tailored Seminars

Operational Structure for Success and Weekly Best Practices

Delegate to Free up Time — Focus on What You are Really Good At

Bureaucracy & Silos — The Balance Between being Crippled and Operational Excellence

Transfer of Energy — Keep Individuals and Teams Extremely Energized  

Create a Coaching Culture — As Important in Business as in Sports

Get Comfortable With Ambiguity, Uncertainty and Taking Risks

Give Feedback People can Actually Use

Pull out a chair, sit down and listen

Act On Intuition — You Do Know

Borderline Space between Order and Chaos

Attract and Keep Top Talent — including Change Agents

Senior Executives, Middle Management, and HR have been forced to execute in a new and unknown hybrid work environment over the past couple of years with no or minimal hybrid leadership training or coaching.  

Middle leaders have been especially hard squeezed during the pandemic as they are the "front-line" leaders who face the day-to-day grind of keeping the company running.

We are here to help by providing hybrid leadership training and coaching to ensure successful execution in this new work environment.

What our Clients Say

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"OBR puts hybrid organization and leadership into today's context and where we are going in terms of how we work and lead" 

"Thank you for an extremely well-done presentation."

"A very interesting introduction to hybrid leadership" 

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